Domino Solitaire (DomiSol)
Free puzzle game: requires logic, attention, and patience
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Want to switch your attention, exercise your thinking, memory and patience? If so, DomiSol may be just the thing for you!
Domino Solitaire is a puzzle where a full set of 28 domino tiles is arranged to form a rectangle, but you don't see their bounds. Your goal is to find those bounds: pair the domino halves to restore the set. In some way, this game is similar to a jigsaw puzzle. It may appear easy at first, but Domino Solitaire is a logic, memory, attention and patience game that can keep you amused — or even frustrated — for a long time before you develop the strategy for solving the puzzle.

- Logic, memory and attention exercise.
- A choice of 4 different designs and any background colour to your taste.
- Savepoints for saving the game and loading it later, so you can stop and resume again at any time.
- No installation required. Simply download the file and start playing.
- Portable application, can be run directly from a USB stick.
Latest version
1.5, released 29 July 2009.
Supported platforms: 32 and 64 bit Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, 7, 8, 10 and 11. Portable application, no installation required.
Download free Domino Solitaire 1.5 portable (exe), size 231 KB
Download free Domino Solitaire 1.5 portable (zip), size 198 KB
100% freeware. Highest respect for user privacy: no registration, no snooping, no personal data collection, no nonsense.
How to play
The full set of 28 domino pieces is arranged in a rectangle, but their bounds are not shown to the player. Your goal is to find these bounds and restore the set.
Consecutively click on any two adjacent domino halves to group them into a piece. The pieces can be oriented horizontally or vertically. For your convenience, each grouped piece will be marked in the list on the left. You can click any grouped piece to ungroup it. The game time is unlimited.
Game Menu
New game shows a new layout. The previous layout disappears.
Save game saves the current layout with all the pieces you have selected into a *.dat file.
Load game loads the game from a selected saved layout.
Create savepoint remembers the current layout with all the pieces you have selected until the program is closed. You can return to any savepoint during the game. You may find it helpful to make a savepoint at a moment when you are sure that all the selected pieces are correct, but not sure whether you are about to make a correct selection. Each savepoint shows its sequence number and the time it was made at.
Return to a savepoint contains a list of savepoints that you made during the game. You can choose any of them to return to a corresponding layout.
Solve the game shows you one of the possible solutions and ends the game.
View Menu
The View menu offers 4 different designs of the domino pieces: Classic, Colours, Numbers and Shapes.

Use the Background colour menu to change the colour of the game field. While you can choose any colour, it is better to choose a colour where the domino pieces and their bounds are easy to see, to ensure your eye comfort. You can change the design and the background colour at any time during the game.
This product is distributed “as is”. No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use this software at your own risk. The author is not liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss incurred directly or indirectly while downloading, using or performing any other action in relation to this software. The author has no control over the quality, safety and integrity of any copy of this software published on third-party sites.
Questions & Answers
I've spent hours trying to solve the game and still not succeeded. Are you sure that DomiSol can always be solved?
Yes, each DomiSol layout has at least one solution. If you gave up, you can click Solve the game in the Game menu, and it will show you one of the possible solutions.
Also, it is better not to try to solve the puzzle by selecting the pieces randomly; otherwise you can lose your patience before you find a solution. There are a few logical strategies in finding the layout. Try to discover them.
Why can't I choose to play the same layout again?
The Domino Solitaire is a logic game, but it is also a patience/solitaire game. It means it has an element of chance, luck and magic. Just like in real life: nothing happens twice in exactly the same way. :-)
However, you can save any layout at the very start of the game, and then load and play it again as many times as you wish.
Can I publish a note about DomiSol in a magazine/ include it in a cover CD/ write an article on a web-site/ etc?
You can give Domino Solitaire to other people, record it onto disks or other media, include it into cover CDs, and publish articles in magazines and online without asking permission, provided you do not modify the software in any way (including its incorporation into any downloaders or installers, or addition of advertisement) and comply with the copyright section. Your efforts in making this little game popular and any links to website are greatly appreciated.