Braun: made in where?
Yesterday, as we were walking through the city arcades, a friend of mine bought a spare blade for his Braun shaver. A common thing, nothing special:

However, the reverse side of the package caught our attention. At first glance, there was nothing special either:

Alongside with “Made in Germany”, the packaging also says something about Lu Chun Road, Shanghai and China in the paragraph with some strange characters. Should that bother the consumer? It explicitly says “Made in Germany” in English. The Chinese address may be the address of an importer or a distributor. Well... let's translate and solve the mystery:

The “strange characters” turned out to be Russian, and the first three words “Сделано в Китае” mean “Made in China”.
So, why only the Russian paragraph discloses in detail where the product came from? While the English, German, French and Italian text is instead telling the customers that they should spend another $70 in 18 months.